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Visiting Scholar Award!

Excited to announce that I've been selected as a recipient of the 2018 Gladys Krieble Delmas Visiting Scholar award! The grant will cover my travel and research-related costs for a weeklong residency at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Library + Archives in Cleveland, Ohio. I am planning a spring trip (hopefully in May!) and will research their Everly Brothers collections as part of my continuing work on behalf of the Everly Brothers Childhood Home Foundation in Shenandoah, Iowa. My award letter arrived by email last Thursday so I've shared a photo of the printout below.

The Rock Hall's Visiting Scholar Program was created in 2015 through a generous gift from The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, an organization founded in 1976 by Gladys Krieble Delmas who herself was a preservationist. Over the last few days I've been learning about her important contributions to the scholarship of Venetian heritage in English-speaking countries as well as her enduring legacy of support for fellow scholars that's now touched my life, making this very special opportunity possible for me.

It is with an inspired and grateful heart that I begin the spring season (and this blog!) all the more excited about my research trip to Cleveland and the year ahead! I hope you'll join me here for the journey! -Sheryl

An excerpt from my application:

"The Everly Brothers Childhood Home Foundation was established to successfully preserve and rehabilitate the Everly Brothers childhood home as the first and only house museum dedicated to the pioneering rock 'n' roll sibling duo and their formative years in Shenandoah, Iowa. Research findings generously facilitated by the Gladys Krieble Delmas Visiting Scholar Program and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Library and Archives will provide the foundation with much-needed historical perspectives and action-oriented insights with which to guide these efforts in accurately representing Don and Phil Everly's broader contributions to rock 'n' roll and American popular music.

This research opportunity will contribute to the contextual understanding of architecture’s role in the birth and development of rock ‘n’ roll and American popular music transmitted through historic preservation practice, music heritage tourism programming, and publication in popular music studies and architectural history."

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